1930's Stamped Patterned Seat With Double Hoop Back Dining Chairs - Set Of Four

Coming Soon
sku: 3789

1930’s Stamped Patterned Seat With Double Hoop Back Dining Chairs – Set Of Four

Price: £604.17 VAT excl

in stock

In the pipeline Coming soon, enquire now

More details regarding this item will be available on the website soon, but you can enquire now to avoid missing out.


This product is in our ‘pipeline’, meaning it has just been received into our warehouse and will be available for sale very shortly. Our workshop and product team will now review the product, carrying out any required refurbishment work ready for photography. Until we have assessed the work required, we do not know a delivery lead time. If this is a product you are interested in purchasing, please contact us through the ‘Enquire Now’ button above.


Maker:Thonet - Austria

Dimensions:42cm(w) x 47cm(l) x 93cm(h)